Friday, March 20, 2020
Study On Rana Pipiens Essays - Amphibians, Rana, Frog, Free Essays
Study On Rana Pipiens Essays - Amphibians, Rana, Frog, Free Essays Study On Rana Pipiens Leopard Frog - Rana Pipiens Distribution: Found throughout Ontario but more abundant in southern and central Americas. Range: Adults maintain small home ranges (up to 500 m2) in fields or open forest during the summer. Where terrestrial habitats are quite dry, home ranges include some shoreline. A minimum of 4 ha of terrestrial habitat is recommended for the vicinity of breeding sites, however, individual adults may move several kilometres away. Most recently metamorphosed froglets stay within 20 m of shoreline although some froglets begin dispersal before metamorphosis is entirely complete. Diet: Larvae eat algae, phytoplankton, periphyton and detritus. Adults eat mainly invertebrates but will also take tadpoles or very small froglets. Reproduction: Successful breeding sites are permanent ponds, marshes, or pools or backwaters of streams. Eggs and tadpoles require warm (prefer 18o - 28o C), shallow, sunny areas. Breeding occurs from mid-March to mid-May in southern Ontario, and a few weeks later further north. Metamorphosis occurs in 2-3 months. Tadpoles require minimum oxygen concentrations of 3 ppm. Habitat: Relative to bullfrogs and green frogs, leopard frogs use open fields more and prefer denser terrestrial vegetation. In aquatic habitats, submerged vegetation, detritus and soft mud are used for cover. Lookout/Sunning Froglets require muddy shorelines, lily pads, rocks, logs or beaver dams with clear access to deeper water. Adults prefer unmowed fields (15 - 30 cm high, no more than 1 m high vegetation) or open forest in the vicinity of shallow open marshes. Connectivity/Corridors Corridors may be required among breeding, hibernation and summeringhabitats, within 2 km. These may be either aquatic (streams or rivers) or terrestrial (field or forest, usually not cropland except during periods of irrigation). Hibernation Hibernate in deep or running water that will not freeze solid or become anoxic. Are found hibernating on muddy substrate or under rocks, sunken logs, leaf litter or vegetation. Oxygen levels at one known successful hibernation site were 7 ppm. Tadpoles metamorphose in the year of hatching. Hydrology Permanent wetlands with fishless areas or near fishless (temporary) wetlands. Breeding requires sufficient water for metamorphosis to be completed (mid-late August). Soils/Substrate In water prefer muddy bottom. On land prefer moist soil, leaf litter or moss. Design Criteria Vegetation Prefer egg-laying sites with emergent vegetation on about 2/3 of edge and submergent vegetation in 1/2 of surface area in May. Structures Rocks, logs, floating vegetation or dams to sun on, with access to deep water. Submerged vegetation, logs or rocks to hide in. Soils, Slope, & Substrate Prefer wetlands with gradual slope at edge. Hydrology Hibernate in streams with minimum depth 90 cm, moderate mid-depth water velocity, minimal sedimentation, and rocks with average diameter of 20 cm. Critical Periods Breed April-June, metamorphose July-September Other Considerations Froglets are used as bait for fishing. Has declined in much of its western range and apparently in northern Ontario. Tadpoles and froglets are vulnerable to predation by large Bullfrogs and fish. Bibliography Cook, F. R. 1966. Amphibians and reptiles of Saskatchewan. Regina: Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Department of Natural
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Medieval Renaissance Monarchs of England
Medieval Renaissance Monarchs of England Because Alfred the Great unified most of the various English kingdoms under one rule, the English monarchy traditionally begins with him. However, the House of Wessex, from which Alfred hailed and which served as the nucleus of the future kingdom, is sometimes considered the first royal house, with Egbert of Wessex regarded as the first king of all England; so it is included here as well. The House of Wessex 802-839: Egbert839-855: Ethelwulf855-860: Ethelbald860-866: Ethelbert866-871: Ethelred The Anglo-Saxonsà 871-899: Alfred the Great899-925: Edward the Elder925-939: Athelstan939-946: Edmund946-955: Edred955-959: Eadwig959-975: Edgar the Peacable975-978: Edward the Martyr978-1016: Ethelred the Unready (interrupted by Danish conquest)1016: Edmund Ironside The Danes 1014: Swein Forkbeard1016-1035: Canute the Great1035-1040: Harold Harefoot1040-1042: Harthacanute The Anglo-Saxons, Restored 1042-1066: Edward the Confessor1066: Harold II (Godwinson) The Normans 1066-1087: William I (the Conqueror)1087-1100: William II (Rufus)1100-1135: Henry I1135-1154: Stephen The Angevins (Plantaganets) 1154-1189: Henry II1189-1199: Richard I1199-1216: John1216-1272: Henry III1272-1307: Edward I1307-1327: Edward II1327-1377: Edward III1377-1399: Richard II The Lancastrians 1399-1413: Henry IV1413-1422: Henry V1422-1461: Henry VI The Yorkists 1461-1483: Edward IV1483: Edward V (never crowned)1483-1485: Richard III The Tudors 1485-1509: Henry VII1509-1547: Henry VIII1547-1553: Edward VI1553: Lady Jane Grey (queen for nine days)1553-1558: Mary I1559-1603: Elizabeth I Please note: all the individuals above can also be found through the Whos Who in Medieval History index of Royalty and the geographical index for Britain. Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright à ©2015 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission isà notà granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission, please visità Abouts Reprint Permissions page. The URL for this document is:
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