Thursday, October 31, 2019
Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Final Exam - Assignment Example Government regulatory cases are concerned with laws and public policies while government entitlement/benefits administration cases are concerned with facts such as citizensââ¬â¢ welfare. In the United States, the policies and procedures in government regulatory cases and government entitlement/benefits administration case should be revised. The importance of regulatory policy also needs to be reassessed. Van Puymbroeck defines independence as ââ¬Å"a state or condition of being free from the control, dependence, subjection, or subordination of an outside agency or authorityâ⬠(2000, p. 268). In the judiciary, such independence is given to ensure that justice is administered without fear or favor, as well as impartially and freely. Failure to administer justice according to established procedures and in accordance with the law leads to judges being held accountable. Judicial accountability on the other hand places constraints on judges by holding them responsible for their behavior. This is done on legal and political grounds. Here it is judged whether judges have fulfilled their responsibilities and according to set standards. If the responsibilities are not met, sanctions are imposed. In the American government, judicial accountability helps prevent usurpations of power, corruption and other abuses hence protecting the interests of the public. In the rule of law, judicial independence is a feature in its own right. The two features of judicial independence are separation of powers and independence of judges. In the separation of powers, the concern is the independence of the courts as an organization. According to Alder, ââ¬Å"judicial independence requires the independence of individual judges from pressures that threaten not only actual impartiality but also the appearance of impartialityâ⬠(2013, p. 132). Although
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What Can We Learn about Managemet Today from Exanining Its Historical Essay
What Can We Learn about Managemet Today from Exanining Its Historical Foundations - Essay Example Scientific management theory or classical management theory has its roots from the beginning and which later give birth to behavioral management theory. In scientific theory the focus is on how to increase productivity and efficiency. In order to find the best way to manage workers or employees managers will apply scientific solutions, such as training employees to a specific task to gain organizational goals. This approach only focuses on achieving results and getting productivity ignoring the motivation and will of the workers (Hartness, 47). The major contribution on this approach was put forward by Frederick Taylor also known as the father of scientific management (Kanigel, 8-9). American engineer named Frederick Winslow Taylor published ââ¬Å"THE PRINCIPLE OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT ââ¬Å"in 1911 was amongst the first modern management publisher inspired by the rise of industrial age (Beissinger, 19). Taylor believed managing people is a science (Taylor, 12). He tried to make ma nagers think of their employees as specialized replaceable components. He emphasizes on directing employees effectively on work more precisely can give the maximum security and success for employer (Aitken, 32). Behavioral management theory on the other hand focuses on how employees will work and how employers could manage the employees in conducting of work in an organizational setting. Its prime concern is employee behavior and expectations and involves the motivation factor which was ignored by scientific approach. During the development of behavioral management theory, a scientist named Elton Mayo conducted an experiment which proved that increasing human motivation and satisfaction will give good amount of productivity. Elton Mayoââ¬â¢s contributions came as a...Furthermore the essay will elaborate scientific school of thought under the working of Fredrick Winslow Taylor who believes employees are machines. Secondly behavioral school of thought will be discussed as per Elton Mayoââ¬â¢s experiments and findings regarding how productivity can be achieved if workers are inclined towards motivation. The work of Abraham Maslow in hierarchy of needs will be discussed and finally the work done by Sun Tzu in terms of behavioral approach will finally be put into consideration. In section two the essay will highlight the core issue regarding continuities and connections between the different stages of management how they are transformed and modified by different people at different eraââ¬â¢s and how they were in practices. Furthermore in section two the essay will discuss a problem that has been dominant throughout and its solution given by Fredrick, Maslow and Mayo. Finally then some suggestion and recommendation will be discussed on how the problem can be solved and rectified and what necessary measures should be taken in order to achieve the desired goals.Productivity has always remained a problem for years and the managers of every era have been focusi ng on different techniques to improve the productivity. Some have worked whereas some have not.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Treasure Found in Land Law Problem Question
Treasure Found in Land Law Problem Question Craig In regards to the items found by Craig, assuming they are not classified as treasure using the Treasure Act 1996, it can be suggested that Craig does not have the right of ownership of the items and must return them to Sarah and Tony. This is because he has found them during the course of his employment. Craig has worked at the Manor Farm for many years which is owned by Sarah and Tony. This suggests that he is an employee of Sarah and Tony. The rule is that if items are found during the course of employment, they belong to the employer, as seen in South Staffordshire Water Company v Sharman, where because the employees found the rings during the course of their employment, (they were employed to clean the pool and the rings were found whilst they did so) they belonged to the landowner[1]. Donaldson LJ reinforces this rule in Parker v British Airways Board where he states that an employee who finds an item during the course of his employment finds that item on behalf of his employer[ 2]. What this shows is that unless there is a term in the contract of employment which allows the employee to keep items found during the course of their employment, or the employee finds the items outside the course of their employment, the items belong to the employer. Applying this rule to Craig, he found the items whilst ploughing one of the larger fields of Manor Farm. Although Craigs job description is not stated, one can assume that he found the items during the course of his employment. If ploughing is not stated in his job description, then Craig can keep the items as he would be working outside the course of his employment, Also, if it is stipulated in the terms of Craigs contract that he can keep items found during employment, then he can keep the items. If this is not the case, the items will belong to Sarah and Tony as employers and landowners. The reason why the items cannot be said to belong to the true owner is because the law assumes that items found in land belong to the owner of the land, whereas items found on land belong to the true owner. Here, the items were found in land as Craig discovered them whilst ploughing. This is seen in Waverley Borough Council v Fletcher, where Auld LJ stated that when it comes to items in the ground, the original owner is unlikely to be found, thus the law looks for a substitute owner, which is the owner of the land where the item is found[3]. Treasure: If the items found by Craig are considered treasure under the 1996 Treasure Act, Craig alongside Sarah and Tony may receive compensation. However, this is at the discretion of the Secretary of State[4]. To determine whether the items found by Craig can be considered as treasure, one must look to the criteria set out in the Treasure Act 1996. In regards to the coins, it can be argued that they can be considered as treasure. This is because Craig found numerous coins. This could mean that there are at least two coins or ten or more coins[5]. If the coins fall into the former, they will need to have precious metal on them[6] (gold or silver[7]). If they do not, they can still be classified as treasure if they fall under the latter. As they appear to be very old, they could be at least 300 years old[8]. If this is not the case, then the coins cannot be classified as treasure. If it is the case, then Craig could be able to be reimbursed at the Secretary of States discretion for finding th e coins. Although the cup found by Craig is decorated with intricate pattern, suggesting that it is very old and valuable, it is ambiguous as to what metal the cup is made of. If it is made of precious metal[9], then it can be classified as treasure. However, if not, then it is not treasure. Yet, because the cup was found in the same find as the coins[10], it can be classified as treasure.Ãâà The same can be said for the pottery vase which prima facie can be said to not fall under the definition of treasure as it does not have any precious metal on it[11]. Nevertheless, as it was found in the same find as the coins and cup, it can be considered as treasure. Assuming all these items are classified as treasure, the onus is on Craig to contact the Coroner within 14 days to notify him of the items found, otherwise he will be fined[12]. The reason why it is Craigs responsibility and not Sarah and Tony is because Craig decided to put the items in his bag and take it to his cottage. He did not inform Sarah and Tony about the items. Donald In regards to the diamond ring found by Donald, it is unclear whether he has the right to keep the ring or not. Although Donald is a guest at the farm, it is not clear whether the area where he found the diamond ring was a public or private area as guests are not usually allowed access to the working areas of the farm. Applying the principle in Bridges v Hawkesworth where it was stated that the parcel which contained notes were found in the public part of the shop and as such the notes were never in the custody of the shopkeeper[13], if Donald found the ring in a private area, he will not be entitled to keep the diamond ring, and must hand it over to Sarah and Tony as it can be said that they have custody of it. However, if the diamond ring was found in an area which Donald had access to, it can be argued that he has a right to the diamond ring due to the rule of finders keepers established in Armory v Delamirie where it was held that though the plaintiff did not have an absolute right of ownership by finding the jewel, he was entitled to keep the jewel unless the true owner claimed it[14]. Similarly, it can be argued that Donald has the right to keep the diamond ring unless the true owner can be found. Using Donaldson LJ rules on the rights and obligations of a finder in Parker v British Airways Board, Donald is under an obligation to take all necessary measures to find the true owner of the[15] diamond ring. As he has not done so (he decides to keep it and give it to his girlfriend), it can be said that he does not have rights to the diamond ring. Also, using Parker v British Airways Board, it can be stated that Sarah and Tony may have a right of ownership to the diamond ring. They would h ave to show that they manifested an intention to exercise control over the area the diamond ring was found[16]. Yet, this principle is quite ambiguous. How does one manifest an intention to exercise control of an area? A test to suggest an intention to exercise control was not formulated in Parker v British Airways Board. Perhaps one can use the factor Donaldson LJ used in this case, which is that British Airways should have had a policy on lost and found items which was available to the public[17]. Similarly, it can be stated that perhaps Sarah and Tony must showcase that they have a policy on lost and found objects which is available to the public to prove that they had manifested an intention to exercise control over the area the diamond ring was found. Nonetheless, as stated by Bray, Donaldson LJ concept of control is harsh as it leaves some doubt in the law as to what exactly a landowner must do to manifest an intention to control the land[18]. This would mean that if Sarah and Tony do not have a policy that is available to the public, Donald can keep the diamond ring provided he has tried to find the true owner. Assuming the diamond ring was found in an area which Donald can access, there is a problem posed as it is ambiguous as to if the diamond ring was found in or on land. This is because it was buried in some long grass. As stated by Stevens, the law is unclear in this area[19]. The distinction is important to make as it will determine who has the better right of ownership to the diamond ring. If the diamond ring can be said to be found on land, then Donald is entitled to the diamond ring if he has tried to find the true owner. If it was found in land, then Sarah and Tony will be entitled to the diamond ring as it is assumed that things found in land belong to the owner of the land. Another reason why Sarah and Tony may be entitled to the diamond ring if it was found in land is because Donalds status would have changed to that of a trespasser as he had to reach into the ground to pick up the diamond ring- he has gone beyond his authorisation as a guest. However, it can be argued using th e reasoning of Auld LJ in Waverley Borough Council v Fletcher that Donald is not a trespasser and that the diamond ring was found on land. This is because picking up the diamond ring might not have interfered with the land or damaged it[20]. Yet, it can be argued that because the diamond ring was buried in some long grass, damage might have been done as perhaps Donald would have had to pull the grass from the roots to retrieve it. If it is the latter, Donald is a trespasser and has exceeded his licence on the land. If it is the former, Donald can keep the ring, provided he has tried to find the true owner. Treasure: The diamond ring is not treasure as it does not fit the definitions given in the Treasure Act 1996. The age of the ring is not told, it is not made of precious metal (gold or silver), neither was it found alongside any item that can be defined as treasure[21]. Thus, the diamond ring cannot be classified as treasure. Eric In regards to the à £50 note found by Eric, it can be argued that Eric has a right of ownership to the money (provided he tries to find the true owner). As Eric was in the garden on the day that it was opened to the public, it can be said that he found the money in the public part of the farm. This can be seen in Bridges v Hawkesworth where it was stated that the notes were dropped in the public part of the shop and as such they were never in the custody of the shopkeeper[22]. Likewise, it can be said that Sarah and Tony were never in custody of the à £50 note as it was found in a public part. Also, one can argue that the à £50 note could go unnoticed until someone saw it. However, using Parker v British Airways Board, it can be said that Sarah and Tony may have a right of ownership to the à £50 note. They would have to show that they manifested an intention to exercise control over the area the à £50 was found. This could be done by them showcasing that they have a policy on lo st and found items which is available to the public. If they do not have such a policy, Eric can keep the à £50 note, provided he tries to find the true owner. Conclusion Craig does not have a right to ownership of the items which he found as they were found during the course of his employment. It can be said that these items are treasure so he would have to notify the coroner of his finds. Donald, depending on whether he has access to the area the diamond ring was found may have a right of ownership, but he must try to find the true owner of the diamond ring. Eric is entitled to keep the à £50 note, provided Sarah and Tony have not manifested an intention to exercise control of the area he found it on. [1] [1896] 2 QB 44 [2] [1982] QB 1004, 1017 [3] 1996] QB 334, 344 [4] Treasure Act 1996, s 10(3) [5] ibid s1(1)(a)(ii) and (iii) [6] ibid s1(1)(a)(ii) [7] ibid s3(3) [8] ibid (n 5) [9] Treasure (n 4) s1(1)(a)(i) [10] ibid s1(1)(d)(i) [11] Treasure (n 9) [12] ibid s8(1) and (3)(a)-(c) [13] (1851) 21 LJQB 75 [14] (1722) 1 Str 505 KB, [1] (Pratt CJ) [15] ibid (n 2) 10 [16] ibid [17] ibid (n 2) 1019 (Donaldson LJ) [18] Judith Bray, The law on treasure from a land lawyers perspective [2013] Conv 265, 267 [19] John Stevens, Finders weepers- landowners keepers'[1996] Conv 216, 219 [20] ibid (n 3) [21] Treasure (n 4) s1 [22] ibid(n 13)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Elias Chocours Blood Brothers Essays -- Chocour Blood Brothers Essays
Elias Chocour's Blood Brothers Elias Chocourââ¬â¢s novel, Blood Brothers, represents his point of view on the contemporary Palestinian position regarding the holy land of Israel. The book traces the transformation of Chocourââ¬â¢s life, from a Melkite Christian Palestinian boy into a powerful spiritual leader and innovative agent in facilitating better race relations in the region. He shows how Palestinianââ¬â¢ needs were left out during the formation of the State of Israel, and how their plight is highly misunderstood, and often grossly distorted because of ignorance. Chocourââ¬â¢s depiction of the problem facing non-Jews is highly illuminating, and Blood Brothers will dispel many illusions and fallacies that cloud the facts surrounding the status of Israelââ¬â¢s inhabitants. The book begins before the creation of Israel, when race relations were less strained than they are now. Chocour says he loved the area in which he lived because it was his home. ââ¬Å"Our lives were so rooted to the land (that) the stones even found their way into our playâ⬠(26). Palestinians and Jews were friendly and neighborly towards each other. Their lives were bound together because they inhabited and shared the land (32). Chocour developed his humanitarian views that would later lead him to greatness during this time of racial peace. He ââ¬Å"had beautiful dreams for Palestinian and Jewish children (living) togetherâ⬠(ix). The creation of the State of Israel drastically changed the equality in the region, and these times were soon be forgotten. Israel was created as a haven for persecuted Jew as a result of the Holocaust, however, it was soon run by the military. ââ¬Å"The new Israel seemed to be a nation where the military ruled ignoring the will of the countr... ...r remains faithful to the memory of his peaceful childhood when Jews and Palestinians lived together in peace, and the prospect of a better future. Despite the political wrongs his people have suffered, he is proud of his heritage and intends to ââ¬Å"restore race relations between Jews and Palestinians, (by restoring) human dignityâ⬠(146). To do this, Chocour implements innovative techniques: he has Palestinians visit the Kibbutzim, and has Jews spend time with Palestinian families. Chocourââ¬â¢s message is quite honorable, ââ¬Å"to change hearts not institutionsâ⬠(222). Chocour remembers that ââ¬Å"Jews and Palestinians are brothers, the(y) have the same father, Abraham, and believe in the same Godâ⬠(34). It is sad that peoples in this region need to be remnded that they are brothers, but it is comforting that there are men like Chocour, who valiantly assume this task as their own. Elias Chocour's Blood Brothers Essays -- Chocour Blood Brothers Essays Elias Chocour's Blood Brothers Elias Chocourââ¬â¢s novel, Blood Brothers, represents his point of view on the contemporary Palestinian position regarding the holy land of Israel. The book traces the transformation of Chocourââ¬â¢s life, from a Melkite Christian Palestinian boy into a powerful spiritual leader and innovative agent in facilitating better race relations in the region. He shows how Palestinianââ¬â¢ needs were left out during the formation of the State of Israel, and how their plight is highly misunderstood, and often grossly distorted because of ignorance. Chocourââ¬â¢s depiction of the problem facing non-Jews is highly illuminating, and Blood Brothers will dispel many illusions and fallacies that cloud the facts surrounding the status of Israelââ¬â¢s inhabitants. The book begins before the creation of Israel, when race relations were less strained than they are now. Chocour says he loved the area in which he lived because it was his home. ââ¬Å"Our lives were so rooted to the land (that) the stones even found their way into our playâ⬠(26). Palestinians and Jews were friendly and neighborly towards each other. Their lives were bound together because they inhabited and shared the land (32). Chocour developed his humanitarian views that would later lead him to greatness during this time of racial peace. He ââ¬Å"had beautiful dreams for Palestinian and Jewish children (living) togetherâ⬠(ix). The creation of the State of Israel drastically changed the equality in the region, and these times were soon be forgotten. Israel was created as a haven for persecuted Jew as a result of the Holocaust, however, it was soon run by the military. ââ¬Å"The new Israel seemed to be a nation where the military ruled ignoring the will of the countr... ...r remains faithful to the memory of his peaceful childhood when Jews and Palestinians lived together in peace, and the prospect of a better future. Despite the political wrongs his people have suffered, he is proud of his heritage and intends to ââ¬Å"restore race relations between Jews and Palestinians, (by restoring) human dignityâ⬠(146). To do this, Chocour implements innovative techniques: he has Palestinians visit the Kibbutzim, and has Jews spend time with Palestinian families. Chocourââ¬â¢s message is quite honorable, ââ¬Å"to change hearts not institutionsâ⬠(222). Chocour remembers that ââ¬Å"Jews and Palestinians are brothers, the(y) have the same father, Abraham, and believe in the same Godâ⬠(34). It is sad that peoples in this region need to be remnded that they are brothers, but it is comforting that there are men like Chocour, who valiantly assume this task as their own.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Failures of Reconstruction Essay
General William T. Shermanââ¬â¢s meeting with the black leaders who would go successful and outstanding leaders of black people in the United States of America on January 12. 1865 somehow foreshadowed the coming of Reconstruction in this epoch. The meeting which united both white and black Americans who wished for the abolishment of bondage was besides the start of the partnership between these progressives and the inkinesss. In a decennary. several incidents happened which marked the greatest times in the black American history. Four yearss after the meeting. a land was given to the black Americans and mules that were non being used by the ground forces were besides given to them. This land will be the abode of more than 40. 000 freed slaves. Because of this. they hoped that their emancipation will non merely free them from bondage but besides give them the freedom to be economically independent and have genuine freedom. However. it seems that the battle for freedom can be forgotten and Reconstruction. that thing which should be unifying the tattered state will neglect and go one of the greatest failures in the American history. Why did Reconstruction neglect? Who was the one to fault? While there are these black Americans who extremely anticipated their freedom and progressives worked in redefining freedom for the remainder of both the black and white Americans. there will be a job that will neglect the Reconstruction epoch. After a decennary. people got tired of contending for freedom and shortly. there are jobs in line with the new disposal. After the black Americans were so successful to set up their ain lives and edifice churches. schools for black kids and establishments. a decennary subsequently. the battle for their freedom and rights all of a sudden met silence. Andrew Johnson confiscated all lands that were given to black Americans therefore get downing the failure in land reform which was given in 1865. At the same clip. he is non in favour of the rights being pushed by the Republicans for the interest of the Black Americans. His positions sing the freedom of the African-Americans were non in line with what these former slaves ought to hold. Hence. his thoughts of Reconstruction were the same ground why it failed. The politicians from the South can non accept emancipation and the autonomy that slaves must hold while the president is non in favour of the Reconstruction being pushed by the slaves and the Republicans. The failure of Reconstruction was brought by the fact that there are people who can non accept the world of emancipation and pushed what they wanted best for themselves than what is right for the remainder of the United States of America. Plants Cited Eric Foner. Give Me Liberty! An American History. 2e Volume II eBook from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. wwnorton. com/college/history/foner2v2_ebook/welcome. asp
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Causes of World War vocab
The Tsarina, Alexandra, thought he was a miracle and welcomed him to the royal family. That's when he started Glenn bad advice to Tsar Nicolas. 3. Militarism Militarism is the belief that a country should have a strong military and to be prepared to use it whenever the country needs protection. Militarism is significant because this is part of the main causes of WWW. All the powers wanted to have a good military to be prepared for war. Because of being prepared all the time, WWW was quick to happen; because of just one event. 4. NationalismNationalism is the belief that your own county is the best and deserves all the power. Nationalism is significant because it's part of the base reasons why WWW happened. When Germany became a nation in 1871, it disturbed the balance of power in Europe. The other European countries thought that Germany would be a threat to their power. So all the powers thought they were the best and that caused conflicts, which caused WWW. 5. Imperialism Triple Ent ente Imperialism is a policy in which a strong nation looks to dominate other countries politically, economically or socially.This is an alliance consisting of Britain, France and Russia in 1907. This is significant because it was one of the earliest causes of WWW. The scramble for Africa to imperialism it caused many conflicts and tensions within the powers. The European powers were competing a lot between each other for African territory. Those rivalries played a big role later in the causing of WWW. This alliance was important because these were one of the biggest powers. All 3 had something in common: they didn't like Germany & Austria. That brought them to make an alliance ND had a common goal of getting rid of Germany and Australia's power.Soon that became more definite and was on the way to having WWW. 7. Triple Alliance This is an alliance consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1907. This alliance if significant because Germany and Austria were very close and ha d common ideas. Russia used to be with them (Emperors League) but since they got out because of the Congress of Berlin, Italy took its place. Their ideals were that they had to support previous alliances and provide a defense system against the other European powers. Because of these rivalries, it soon caused WWW. Blank Check The black check is a check that Germany gives to Austria; reassuring them that Germany will fully support Austria, no matter what. The Blank Check is significant because Germany, basically, blindly gives their support to Austria- without considering what's happen in the future. Since William II says that, it gives Austria an even bigger ego. Later Austria and Serbia have conflicts and are very close to war; at this point Germany can't back out now because they already gave their word to Austria. 9. Archduke Francis Ferdinand He is the hair to Austrian throne.He was soon to become the king of Austria until him and his wife, Sophia, got assassinated by Gabriele P rince; who was with the Black Hand group. Archduke Francis Ferdinand is significant because this is the event that really started WWW. Because of his assassination, by Gabriele Prince, Austria is furious and automatically thinks that it was Serbians doing; even without proper evidence. It does turn out that Gabriele Prince was with a group from Serbia, so that's when WWW began. 10. The Balkan states consisted of Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece; it made ââ¬Å"The Balkan Leagueâ⬠.The Balkan states were under Ottoman control. The conflicts between these states caused Balkan wars. The Balkan Crises is very significant because the Balkan states wanted independence from the Ottomans. So in 1878, Bulgaria was created in the Treaty of San Stefan, it was viewed as a Russian satellite. Then it got reduced and returned to Ottomans in the Congress of Berlin. In 1912, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece defeated Ottoman provinces (Albania & Macedonia) but couldn't decide how to split it, resulting in the 2nd Balkan war (1913). Then Greece, Serbia Romania and Ottomans defeated Bulgaria.Because of that, Bulgaria got a little of Macedonia- the rest was divided by Serbia & Greece. Still, Serbia was unsatisfied of the amount of land. The two Balkan wars created more tensions among the great powers. 11. Black Hand/Gabriele Prince This group was a Serbian terrorist group that wanted to create a pan-Slavic nation. It was made up of military & some government officials. Gabriele Prince was part of this group. The Black Hand is significant because Gabriele Prince was part of it. He was a big deal because Prince was responsible for the assassination of Archduke FrancisFerdinand. Since he was heir to the throne, it caused a great deal of fury in Austria. This was the major event that caused WWW. 12. Austrian Ultimatum On July 23, 1914 Austria gave Serbia a set of extreme demands if they don't want to go to war with Austria. This ultimatum is very important because when Austria gave Serbia the ultimatum, Serbia didn't agree. Serbia didn't agree because the demands were very extreme and unrealistic for a country to agree with. That resulted in Austria declaring war on Serbia on July 28. Then that started involving other countries which turned into WWW.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Environmental protection Measures The WritePass Journal
Environmental protection Measures Introduction Environmental protection Measures IntroductionThe Four Main Options for Environmental Protection 1. LegislationCost ââ¬â Is it expensive to put into practice or relatively cheapEffectiveness Public Perception 2. Control by Regulatory Bodies Costs of Environmental Agency1. Control of major accident hazards (COMAH) chargesTypes of chargeEffectivenessà Public Perception 3. Design and Specification Cost Is it expensive to implement or relatively cheap4. Management References Related Introduction The Four Main Options for Environmental Protection 1. Legislation 2. Control by Regulatory Bodies 3. Design and Specification 4. Managementà 1. Legislation Cost ââ¬â Is it expensive to put into practice or relatively cheap Legislation is a law or a regulation which has been produced or enacted by a legislature or another governing body or the procedure of making it. The aim of the legislations becomes a law which may be known as a bill and may be usually referred to as legislation while it remains under considerations to decide it from other business. Legislations can have many purposes such as to regulate, to authorize, to provide funds, to grant, to declare and to restrict any legislation that has been made. Legislations are introduced by the parliament and it can be introduced by the government who will introduce mainly plans for latest laws or the government and the parliament can also alter the existing laws. Bills are normally establish and launched new latest laws, which the latest law becomes a text of a bill which must be agreed by both House of Commons and the House of Lords who could debate on these proposals. Legislations are very expensive to put into practice as they go through a general process. They have to be updated to fit cotemporary issues or any problems this can be very expensive as the existing law to be changed or altered in any way. There are several disadvantages of legislation and the cost of the legislation is that the house of parliament spends lots of tax money on introducing most up to date or mainly new laws this money can be from time to time be used for to improve the purposes such as building new eco- Friendly houses and as well building leisure centres to keep the environment safe and clean. Effectiveness The Effectiveness of legislation is that the control process is awfully effective for example if someone for example a designer or an client are not following the legislation there could get fined or even there could get prosecuted by the government or whoever is in charge this would mean that client or the designer for example will not be able to carry out other contracts jobs as they will have to make many a variety of court appearances this would lead to a large amount of fine or even a prosecution this depends on what you havenââ¬â¢t followed and as well depends on the judges.à However legislations can be very important and as well it can be very ineffective because they might take a long time to put into practice suitable to the possibility of being defeated or overpoweredà this can be done by theà House of Commons or even the House of Lords depending by voting down. Public Perception The General public will have an excellent awareness of this control measure as they believe it will carry out its principle and the purpose, such as waste being controlled and not being allowed to be scatter onto the streets which will keep the streets clean from litter or make less pollution which will cause less health awareness for the general public and even yourself. The general public will feel very thankful and as well there will feel safe if the control measure have been took place this means that there should have barriers or large fences which should be put around the waste landfill sites which will can be controlled and reducing waste which would help the environment to be an eco friendly and as well the water bodies may not be affect them as they may be some endangered species living among us. This will give the public a good outline on the developers as they would see them as eco-friendly. The public will also appreciate fines for developers who do not meet the terms with the regulation, as it would make them feel secure because the developer is more likely to follow the rules to avoid the fine or getting prosecuted. 2. Control by Regulatory Bodies Costs Is it expensive to implement or relatively cheap Control is a process which is done by working and functioning with the local authorities such as the local council .The planning division and the building control division and as well working with the environment agency. The environment advisor or a counsellor as well as the health and safety executive will be informed if there was a problem on site the reason why this technique is expensive to put in practice or to put into action this is because the local authorities for example the planning division who will have develop and enhance a local plan to outline where the construction is up to standard or if it is allowable. This is not expensive because the plan can be drawn by hand or could be produced on workstation. However the working of the building can also be controlled and as well this could be very expensive as the main branch of the department has to carry out a regular and a standard site inspection and check if there is any problems which have occurred and this will result in costs of hiring a specialist such as a site manager to carry out the inspections and examine the construction siteà however the working can also when working with an environmental professional of an health and safety executive is also can be expensive because they will require wages and salaries which can be paid on a monthly or even weekly basis. A number of polices will guarantee that the defence allowable and acceptable cost related with a protection and analysis or inquest the procedure, although insures might be in agreement to refund any legal expenses of an investigation where incurred within stage previous written approval therefore there is no clear management or any supervision from the courts as to whether there is an unsaid requirement for that caution not to be unreasonably or irrationally withheld. Keeping the Insurers closely informed is therefore necessary and very important where regulatory cover is granted, it is very common for policies to restrict liability for example once legal expenses have reached say about à £150,00 often cover is controlledà to represent at summary courts, however further there are excluding from cover Crown Court representation or appeals. Some policies particularly provide insurance or protection cover for an award of prosecution costs which can be considerable others do not. Fi nes cannot be insured against. Costs of Environmental Agency Example of charges 1. Control of major accident hazards (COMAH) charges The charges that cover the costs of the regulations as a collective qualified or skilled of legal bodies in the control of major accident hazards. The Health and safety Executive or an officer known as (HSE) and the environment Agency will regulate or control all the workers for the Control of Major Accident hazards (COMAH). There will ensure that the workers will take all the control measures which it is compulsory and is required à to prevent major accidents and the limits their consequences to people and the environment. Types of charge The type of charge which can be produced from the environment agency is a raised charge this means that to recover the costs of which are incurred in carrying out a following functions by examining the top operators and as well examining the safety reports and also communicating the results of the inspection or a review to operators and considering the requests to rearrange agreements of the safety reports and dealing with the application to limit the information with the safety report. In addition eliminating operations which including preparation of the exclusion to observe and discuss with the operators. However the operator will inspect to assess agreements at a top and lower sites this will include all introductory and follow up performance and to investigate complaints and incidents and as well to check the operator compliance with the control of major accidents hazards (COMAH) , although he or she will also be carrying out enforcement actions which will include preparations an d serving of improvement or exclusion and notices and working to assign and select establishments as having potential for effects. For Example: It will cost over approximately à £25 billion to operate and maintain environmental Infrastructure to support existing communities in to 2029. In addition à £3.5 billion is associated with the damage costs from the consequences of potential flooding to properties. It will cost an approximately further à £7 billion to provide, operate and maintain environmental infrastructure to support the rate of housing growth projected roughly about 23,000 homes/annum over the same period. A further à £907 million is associated with the damage costs from the consequences of potential flooding to properties.à Total costs link to à £16,528 for each new house. Effectivenessà The reason that the control process control is effective is because they offer developers or the clients or any other people within the construction Industryà a à clear place where construction has to take place this means that, endangered trees and animals that are protected as their habitats that are not altered or distorted. This means that the control measure achieves its most important goal of protecting the environment however this legislation can be ineffective, as the health and safety executive might unintentionally overlook hazards that are present on the work site e.g. misplacement of highly dangerous materials or any flammable materials. Another reason why that the control measures is very effective is because if the regulatory bodies doesnââ¬â¢t put any control measures into practice everything will collapse for example if a factory is making too much pollution and it is affecting the environment and the regulatory bodies donââ¬â¢t do nothing about it will cause many problems for everyone especially the regulatory bodies will affect them more because there will responsible for eliminatingà the pollution that is being produce and as well if the regulatory bodies put control measure in place it will help as well it will work which will keep the environment safe and clean from harmful chemicals and as well it will be very effective and useful. Public Perception The public perception of this control measure is they will feel assured that the construction progression is being overseen by professionals. However to this it will give them a good impression and perception on developers who hire the environmental consultants and health and safety executives, by doing this the public will feel that the developers are knowledgeable and experienced. Also if they do not maintain their pollution down that is being produced then, the health and safety officer and environmental agency can impose fines and as well prosecute them as well on them this acts as an inducement for the developers to follow the legislation as well making the public secure. The Perception of this control measure is that the public will feel certain and guaranteed that the construction progression is being eco- friendly which will not harm the environment for example reducing the amount of pollution is being made every day and as well keeping the atmosphere clean which will keep th e environment safe and preventing property to get destroyed such as acid rain which corrodes buildings and other materials goods. 3. Design and Specification Cost Is it expensive to implement or relatively cheap The cost of Design and Specification is directly related to complex effects. As their add programmers to project, the communication costs will increase with the open place of the total number of programmers. There are that many more connections and links over which the details must be communicated. And, as the customer and programmers drift farther apart, the cost of the most important connection increases. Reducing the cost of communication between the programmers and the customer is important to get the details right efficiently and resourcefully. Design and specifications are very expensive to put into practice because they include things such as solar power, which is done by using solar panels these are quite expensive to buy and install. The building direction is expensive to put into practice because various of factors have to be in practice, such as the positioning of the building to get the most out of the potential of electricity that can be produced e.g. positioning solar panels on the west side of the building to make the most of the amount of sunlight being absorbed. The reason why this can be expensive is because such things like the foundations may need to be high and level. The systems of engineering a specification will be a document which will be a clearly and accurately document which will illustrate the important technical request for example materials , or services including the procedures where it can be a strong minded that the requests have been met. Effectives This control method is not very effective as the weather is not expected. This means that some time large amounts of sunlight might be absorbed by the solar panels but on the other hand some other time very little sunlight may be caught. This means that the costs and troubles of installing the solar panels balance the amount of electricity they generate. Another reason why solar power is not effective is because they are not very cost effective as the savings would cover the costs of installing the solar panels after lengthy time periods sometimes ten years probably more, however they are also very effective as the solar panels have the ability to last a very long time which could reuse over and over gain however it is also a sustainable energy. For Example: The panels are most effective between months and however it can also work even on a cloudy day. Solar panels can be used with existing heating systems, or for best results, in line components such as a hot water cylinder and system controller that can be purchased. Many of us worry about our fuel bills and the environmental impact of our fuel expenditure, while a at no cost and clean source of energy is shining down on us all day. In one minute, the sun gives the world enough energy to meet the earths power needs for a year. If you install a solar panel in your house, you are saving into this massive source of free energy, and cutting down your fuel bills which can be very effective. There are also great environmental settlement to solar energy, this is because as it produces no pollution and as well it save us money by using less electricity and using renewable energy which can be used over and over again but however it will cost a bit expensive to install and purchase but you can reuse when ever you want to. Public Perception The public perception for design and specification is good for instance solar power which has more cost effective then things similar to oil or coal. Another reason why the public have a good perception on renewable energy is because they create practically no carbon emissions therefore achieving their principal goal, however many of the public have a negative perception on design and specification, as they might think that solar panels on a roof building mess up the look of it but on the other hand many public have a positive perception on design and specification is that it is cheaper to use solar panel which generates electricity from the sun which save us money because solar panel is a renewable energy which is eco ââ¬âfriendly. Powering a modern house using solar energy helps the environment which will cuts future utility costs and reduces your need for distant oil or other fossil fuels. Solar-powered homes, however, have disadvantages too this is because electricity from so lar power would run everything in the home; the home generates a certain demand, or wattage. The more wattage a family uses, the more costly the solar-powered system would be and the more solar panels would be needed. 4. Management Cost Is it expensive to implement or relatively cheap The control method of management is high-priced to put into practice, as it is the planning and control of all assets to the understanding and awareness of the building production. This is done by using expensive techniques which are simple environmental impact assessments, improved management on construction sites. These will acquire time which means financial budget as the company could be carrying out the construction procedure instead. The reason why techniques such as improved management on construction site is high-priced this is because the community like site managers have which is needed to be hired and equipment such as skips which to be hired, so that waste material can be separated and recycled in appropriate way. However this control technique can be cheap and economical to put into practice because of these techniques such as communication of in progression being deployable, this is fairly reasonably and practically cheap because they can be carried during toolbox talkââ¬â¢s session and as well can be written on site inductions for new employees. Managers use cost accounting to support decision-making to cut a companys costs and improve profitability. Effectiveness The control process is quite relatively effective as techniques such as simple environmental impact forms check and observe for instance waste management and thermal efficiency. This makes sure that the developer or the architect or even the building team is not polluting the environment and achieving its purpose of protecting the environment. However another reason why this control method is effective is because a technique such as improved management on construction sites, this is by hiring site manager who have the capability to prevent illegal oil spillages into the soil to prevent it to get contaminated. The way they do this is by deploying things like spillage equipment and build-up tanks, also equipment like skips which are hired and deployed on the sites which means that the construction waste can be separated and recycled so that it can be reused; this reduces carbon emissions and protects the environment. Another way theà method is effective is through the techniques of communicating information to employees are being aware of any environmental considerations, such as not dumping waste in a specific area so that it doesnââ¬â¢t rundown into a local river which will not harm the living spices .à Management is almost entirely concerned with getting things done and establish how to get things accomplished. In each managers intelligence there is a debate over whether more concern should go into low-cost production or to take no notice of it. The best manager is one who achieves a given target while making the best use of all relevant resources. Management Effectiveness in Organizations The Mangers in an organisations are very effective where there will follow the same essential principle. The Managements effectiveness is very efficiency because this will mean it will reach a target with a minimal cost.à The more difficult the task is the more difficult is needed to be for example planning, coordination and monitoring to achieve and accomplish success efficiently and resourcefully. The Mangers will also generally consider and think about on a range of types of people, large amounts of money and working to firm timeframes which will create a great challenge for even the best Managers. Leadership is so different because it is about promoting new directions and information but however not executing the existing directions or information efficiently and resourcefully. Performance Management. The Performance management without capacity, there is no way to establish or improve efficiency. The effective manager knows how to connect with employees in monitoring their own performance by retailing and dealing them on the conclusion to them of being completely aware of how they are doing at all times. Effective management entails efficiency such as getting things done with least cost. This means performance management but not treating people like machines. Managers must do the right thing, not just get things right. Managers have resources to invest in People, Material, and a budget. To obtain the maximum return on their investment, managers need to organize or set up their resources where they will achieve the best come back. Doing the right thing is just as much a form of efficiency as doing things right because it entails making the best possible use of a set of resources. Public Perception The public perception for the control process of management is excellent because they will think the developers are doing everything in their power to limit and eliminate the amount of pollution they develop. This makes the public feel assured and certain and as well guaranteed about things like wildlife as they are not in much danger anymore and the public will want the control measure to stay it in place, as it fulfils its purpose. These need to be suitable to use and should not overlook the built-up environment. Making space for waste management is therefore a main concern in planning and design. New houses, schools, hospitals, commercial buildings and public spaces need to be designed with this in mind. Similar facilities need to be retrofitted into existing buildings and spaces. References
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Asian Religions In The USA
Asian Religions in the USA In this essay I will discuss the many aspects and ideals of Asian Religions along with their impact and the role they play within the United States. I had a few questions that I had to try and find answers for, in order to complete the connection of Asian Religions to the United States. Why are some Americans and westerners finding Asian Religions as well as Asian thought and philosophy to be more gratifying than traditional western religions and philosophy? How are Asian Religions perceived and practiced here in the United States as opposed to its place of origination? Finally, is there further growth of the Asian Religions as well as philosophy still possible here in the United States and the west? All of the answers to these questions will try and explain the place Asian Religions have here in the United States. Why are some Americans finding Asian religions as well as Asian thought and philosophy to be more satisfying than traditional western religions and philosophy? One thing I might point my finger at is the expansion of religious studies within the United States. As we discussed in class, just within the past ten years the idea of religious studies (including more than just the majority religions) is just now being accepted and explored. As we have become more familiar with the many different religions that are in this world, the more we will pursue and possibly practice those religions. As the west is becoming more educated to all the different religious possibilities, I feel many people are becoming more accepting of a person who searches out these different possibilities. Technology is also a factor in the education of Asian religions. The technology we have today allows people to really explore the entire world from the tips of their fingers. Being knowledgeable that somethi ng different does exist will open your mind to different avenues. You may find a western traditional religi... Free Essays on Asian Religions In The USA Free Essays on Asian Religions In The USA Asian Religions in the USA In this essay I will discuss the many aspects and ideals of Asian Religions along with their impact and the role they play within the United States. I had a few questions that I had to try and find answers for, in order to complete the connection of Asian Religions to the United States. Why are some Americans and westerners finding Asian Religions as well as Asian thought and philosophy to be more gratifying than traditional western religions and philosophy? How are Asian Religions perceived and practiced here in the United States as opposed to its place of origination? Finally, is there further growth of the Asian Religions as well as philosophy still possible here in the United States and the west? All of the answers to these questions will try and explain the place Asian Religions have here in the United States. Why are some Americans finding Asian religions as well as Asian thought and philosophy to be more satisfying than traditional western religions and philosophy? One thing I might point my finger at is the expansion of religious studies within the United States. As we discussed in class, just within the past ten years the idea of religious studies (including more than just the majority religions) is just now being accepted and explored. As we have become more familiar with the many different religions that are in this world, the more we will pursue and possibly practice those religions. As the west is becoming more educated to all the different religious possibilities, I feel many people are becoming more accepting of a person who searches out these different possibilities. Technology is also a factor in the education of Asian religions. The technology we have today allows people to really explore the entire world from the tips of their fingers. Being knowledgeable that somethi ng different does exist will open your mind to different avenues. You may find a western traditional religi...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Canterbury Tales Analysis
Physically the two characters appear extremely different. The knight is dressed in a fustian tunic, ââ¬Å"Stained and dark with smudges where his armour had left markâ⬠(Chaucer 5). Although he is a distinguished man, he dresses humbly and does not give the appearance of arrogance. It is also apparent that he carries a sword, which would match his profession as a knight because he is able to fight. The Sea Captainââ¬â¢s attire matches his occupation. He wears a ââ¬Å"Woollen gown that [reaches] his kneeâ⬠(Chaucer 15); he is tan and has a large beard. He carries a dagger, implying that he knows how to fight and defend himself like the Knight. Considering their occupations, one can find many similarities. They are both very proficient at their jobs. The Sea Captain is described as having no competition: ââ¬Å"None from Hull to Carthage was his matchâ⬠(Chaucer 16). He is experienced and knows the seas better than any captain. He is known for his skill at commanding his ship, the Maudelayne. He frequently travels the sea. Similarly, the knight is a traveler, except on land. He is an experienced fighter, as he has been in many battles. He was present at the battle where Alexandria was taken in 1365 by the King of Cyprus. In fifteen mortal battles he had beenâ⬠(Chaucer 5). According to the examples of battles given in the text, the knight rarely loses a battle. He owns fine horses and is skilled at riding horseback. However, behavior is what really sets these two characters apart. The knight is a chivalrous man. He believes in truth, honor, and generosity. People look up to him; he is ââ¬Å"Ever honoured for his noble gracesâ⬠(Chaucer 4). A Christian and a virtuous man, he is even more humbled by his position as a knight. His many victories did not permit him to lose his modesty; instead, they led him to be wise and honorable. The Sea Captain, in contrast, is a fearsome character. When dealing with prisoners, ââ¬Å"The nicer rules of conscience he ignoredâ⬠(Chaucer 16); they walked the plank. Not a virtuous man by any means, he has a reputation of stealing goods from traders while they sleep. Those who fight him fear him. He does not have a high position in society, but his brutality and prudence make him successful in battle. He is revered for his skill and success, but people do not look up to him. In summary, the use of foil by Chaucer enables the reader to notice differences and similarities between the Knight and the Sea Captain. They have similar occupations, but different roles in society as well as nearly opposite personalities. The foil emphasizes their characteristics to make them even more prominent to the reader. For example, the knightââ¬â¢s Christian values make the Sea Captain seem extremely harsh and lowly in comparison. The reader will be able to gain more out of the story these characters tell because of how detailed their character sketches are. Specifically, the characters are given more depth by their similarities and differences to other characters in the tale.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Managerial Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managerial Decision Making - Essay Example I have also been asked to perform a self evaluation of the decisions made and to evaluate them myself as to whether I think they were a success or failure for the organization. My supervisor has asked me to email him this evaluation as part of my own yearly evaluation which will be used to decide my yearly bonus, so I have decided to make it as professional as possible. Discussion In posting my self evaluation regarding some recent decisions that I have made for the college, I have decided to evaluate each decision in terms of the six steps mentioned by Bazerman and Moore (2008) in their text and use this as a guide to determine whether each decision was a success or a failure. In this context I would like to define success as being an outcome where it has resulted in a reduction of effort on the part of staff or automated a process or reduced cost or improved the quality and efficiency of the college and its staff. If it did none of these things, I would regard it as a failure. The Office of Fiscal Affairs where I work is responsible for receiving and allocating funds for college use, as well as safeguarding financial assets. We must also conform to all Federal and State laws as well as maintain adequate internal control over the assets with which it has been entrusted. As the Senior Accountant, my objective has always been to minimize burdensome and time-consuming procedures in order to affect the flow of business transactions as smoothly and conveniently as possible. In this post, I will share with you some of my findings from the audit and how I intend to fix them as well as avoid repetitions of these errors in the future. Finding 1: Grant Expenditures Coded to Operating Expenses During my audit I noted that there were no set procedures for the invoicing of grant expenditures. Many costs that were allowable as Federal and State grant costs were recorded as general costs instead. The Finance Director and the Grants Manager did not coordinate and review the e xpenditures for inclusion as Federal or State grant expenditures. The current invoicing practice has contributed to the Collegeââ¬â¢s delay in recording revenue in a timely and accurate manner. The optimal decision would be to correctly code allowable costs to the proper Federal and State grants so as to increase cash collections and better maintain the accuracy of the Grants Receivable balance. I strongly suggest that management investigate this problem and I further suggest that a formal policy and procedure be adopted to classify revenues, costs and expenses so that accounting personnel have a clear responsibility and involvement in the approval of invoices sent to the Collegeââ¬â¢s grantors. In fact the College has procedures in place for processing grant expenditures. The previous administration elected not to use these processes which include collaboration with the grants department, administration and the business office. The College is reviewing this process and taking appropriate action to ensure that clear responsibility for the approval and classification of expenditures are understood in expenditures of Federal and State grants. The review process includes more involvement of the Grants Office and the Accountant in the Business Office that is responsible for accurate expenditure and billing for
Autobiographical Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Autobiographical Statement - Essay Example ects of these on families at close quarters in my native land, I was determined to get a good education and get a slice of the good things in life for myself and my family. I was born in Sierra Leone, West Africa, one of the poorest countries of the world, but blessed to have a mother endowed with the grit and determination to make a better life for herself and her family. My mother brought the family over to the US in 1990 on a Certified Nursing Assistant paycheck. I was brought up by parents who are not educated, but who worked very hard and over time set up a small grocery store and restaurant. My motherââ¬â¢s life reminds me of a story she told me as a child about an ant who kept trying to carry a sugar cube to its den, and failed so many times but never gave up trying till it finally succeeded. I think the story is an inspiration to me even today and I go back to remembering my mother telling me the story and how it probably gave her strength in her periods of crisis. I am a single parent to two daughters. After the birth of my first daughter in 1999, I enrolled at St. Paul Community College in St. Paul, Minnesota. However, I was forced to drop out because I got no support or cooperation from my husband. I have had the misfortune of going through a traumatic relationship with an abusive and domineering husband, who would not allow me to finish college. After five years of physical, emotional and mental abuse, I decided to move to California to get away from him. In 2004, I put myself through Beauty College, completing the 1600 hours required by the state of California. In the same year, I passed my State Board Exam and became a licensed Cosmetologist. I got a job with Fantastic Sam for a couple of years while attending El Camino College in Torrance, California. In the year 2006, I plunged headlong into business. I opened my own hair salon in Gardena, CA. At first it was a wonderful feeling being my own boss and setting my own hours, working hard and studying
PeopleSoft vs. Oracle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PeopleSoft vs. Oracle - Research Paper Example s, ââ¬Å"The acquisition of one company by another that is accomplished not by coming to an agreement with the target companysà management, but by goingà directly toà the companyââ¬â¢s shareholders or fighting to replace management in order to get the acquisition approvedâ⬠(Investopedia, 2012). The hostile takeover bid of the company was unusual due to the fact that the company had no interest in the product or services that PeopleSoft offered. Instead Oracle was solely interested in the customers of PeopleSoft. The plan of Oracle was to convert all the customers of PeopleSoft into its EPR system. Another unusual aspect of the original offer was that it was only 6% above the market value of the firm. Typically most hostile takeover bids are at least 20% above the market value. It seemed as if Oracle was taking a huge gamble in this takeover offer since the firm was not going to utilize the intellectual property of PeopleSoft to its advantage. The plan of Oracle was to increase its market share by eliminating its top competitor. The conditions that needed to be met for the independent boards of directors to determine if the sale of the company was in the best interest of the company was whether the hostile takeover bid maximizes the shareholders wealth. The initial offer was so low that there was no reason for the company to accept it since the bid was undervalued in comparison with other hostile takeovers of publicly traded companies. Even though the primary focus of the board should be the shareholders, the interest of other stakeholders of the company such as the employees and the customers were also important. Based on Oracleââ¬â¢s plan some of the negative consequences included mass firing of employees due to downsizing and a deterioration of customer relations. PeopleSoft had in its bylaws a poison pill to protect itself against hostile takeovers. The poison pill was a bylaw that stated that the company had the ability to release more shares in order to dilute
Thursday, October 17, 2019
What's your point of view Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
What's your point of view - Essay Example As such, can such people put away technology and embark on simple methods of operations? This could be adapted by just a few individuals while the others would like to think of concepts like an ideal thus lack the effort and self sacrifice in making the ideal a reality. However, such individuals console themselves by asserting that vast amounts of land and forests have been kept for people to experience the simplicity with which fishing, hunting, camping can bring. This does not mean that we lack our roots to the earth and world. As long as we have balance that has been kept between advancement in our civilization and the connection to nature, then we have to flourish in the both ways in the society (Wright 98). However, there have been instances when we cannot achieve this balance as some people are overly saturated by one way instead of incorporating the other ways. This rages the debate on. We can neither go back to our advancements, nor can we forget on how to move on without these advances and the connections we have to nature. Therefore, if we embrace both we are bound to succeed, but with one, we will stagnate, become our own means of destruction and falter. In the medical sector, several advancements have been carried out and there is still more advances in our daily lives. People easily access better medical attention and can live for a very long period as opposed to the earlier days. However, due to the long period number of days, people are now exposed to difficulties brought out by the advanced age and diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer and the aged have become a burden to the society as there is no specific place to take care of them (Postman 34). Video games and computers have become very popular among the teens, adults and children after undergoing several advances (Kelly 76). However, there are several debates which have come up in accordance to the appropriateness of
Renaissance and Baroque Artists and Musicians Assignment
Renaissance and Baroque Artists and Musicians - Assignment Example Leonardo Da Vinci, who is one of the greatest celebrated artists of the Renaissance, was also a sculpture, architect, scientist and engineer. He was born in a small town of Vinci, near Florence. During 1940ââ¬â¢s his family settled in Florence and he was given ââ¬Å"the best education that Florence, the intellectual and artistic center of Italy, could offerâ⬠. His influences from other artists are not very defined, yet, his sound interest in science and ââ¬Å"his in-depth study of human anatomy aided him in mastering the realist art formâ⬠(Leonardo Da Vinci's Life). While all other works of arts seem to be static arts, Vinci always tried to create movements in his works and all his works are considered examples of accuracy and perfection. His exposure to his fatherââ¬â¢s scholarly texts and his apprentice under Andrea del Verrochio in Florence boosted his talents. His most famous works included ââ¬Å"The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa and Vitruvian Man: The Proportion s of the Human Figureâ⬠. He died in Cloux, France and legends reveal that ââ¬Å"King Francis was at his side when he died, cradling Leonardo's head in his arms. prestigious St. Michael's School in Là ¼neburg and ââ¬Å"it is almost certain that while in Là ¼neburg, young Bach would have visited the Johanniskirche and heard (and possibly played) the church's famous organâ⬠.. Among many others, his major works that he is famous for includes ââ¬Å"the Brandenburg concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Partitas, The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, the St Matthew Passionâ⬠.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
PeopleSoft vs. Oracle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PeopleSoft vs. Oracle - Research Paper Example s, ââ¬Å"The acquisition of one company by another that is accomplished not by coming to an agreement with the target companysà management, but by goingà directly toà the companyââ¬â¢s shareholders or fighting to replace management in order to get the acquisition approvedâ⬠(Investopedia, 2012). The hostile takeover bid of the company was unusual due to the fact that the company had no interest in the product or services that PeopleSoft offered. Instead Oracle was solely interested in the customers of PeopleSoft. The plan of Oracle was to convert all the customers of PeopleSoft into its EPR system. Another unusual aspect of the original offer was that it was only 6% above the market value of the firm. Typically most hostile takeover bids are at least 20% above the market value. It seemed as if Oracle was taking a huge gamble in this takeover offer since the firm was not going to utilize the intellectual property of PeopleSoft to its advantage. The plan of Oracle was to increase its market share by eliminating its top competitor. The conditions that needed to be met for the independent boards of directors to determine if the sale of the company was in the best interest of the company was whether the hostile takeover bid maximizes the shareholders wealth. The initial offer was so low that there was no reason for the company to accept it since the bid was undervalued in comparison with other hostile takeovers of publicly traded companies. Even though the primary focus of the board should be the shareholders, the interest of other stakeholders of the company such as the employees and the customers were also important. Based on Oracleââ¬â¢s plan some of the negative consequences included mass firing of employees due to downsizing and a deterioration of customer relations. PeopleSoft had in its bylaws a poison pill to protect itself against hostile takeovers. The poison pill was a bylaw that stated that the company had the ability to release more shares in order to dilute
Renaissance and Baroque Artists and Musicians Assignment
Renaissance and Baroque Artists and Musicians - Assignment Example Leonardo Da Vinci, who is one of the greatest celebrated artists of the Renaissance, was also a sculpture, architect, scientist and engineer. He was born in a small town of Vinci, near Florence. During 1940ââ¬â¢s his family settled in Florence and he was given ââ¬Å"the best education that Florence, the intellectual and artistic center of Italy, could offerâ⬠. His influences from other artists are not very defined, yet, his sound interest in science and ââ¬Å"his in-depth study of human anatomy aided him in mastering the realist art formâ⬠(Leonardo Da Vinci's Life). While all other works of arts seem to be static arts, Vinci always tried to create movements in his works and all his works are considered examples of accuracy and perfection. His exposure to his fatherââ¬â¢s scholarly texts and his apprentice under Andrea del Verrochio in Florence boosted his talents. His most famous works included ââ¬Å"The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa and Vitruvian Man: The Proportion s of the Human Figureâ⬠. He died in Cloux, France and legends reveal that ââ¬Å"King Francis was at his side when he died, cradling Leonardo's head in his arms. prestigious St. Michael's School in Là ¼neburg and ââ¬Å"it is almost certain that while in Là ¼neburg, young Bach would have visited the Johanniskirche and heard (and possibly played) the church's famous organâ⬠.. Among many others, his major works that he is famous for includes ââ¬Å"the Brandenburg concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Partitas, The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, the St Matthew Passionâ⬠.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Rites of Passage Essay Essay Example for Free
Rites of Passage Essay Essay Jetty Rats is a novel written by Phillip Gwynne that all young boys should read. It deals with the rites of passage and issues that all boys are faced with at some point in their lives. It is presented in an entertaining book but realistic which makes it easy for readers to understand. The issues and rites of passage discussed in this essay include family, friends, experiencing a first kiss (with Jasmine) and obtaining a first ââ¬Ërealââ¬â¢ job (funeral). The story is told from the prospective of Hunter, (main boy) a thirteen year old boy with a dream of catching a record breaking Mulloway and getting more famous and richer then Rex Hunt. The first problem is the family. When Hunter was eight years old his dad went missing while fishing on the rocks. He had broken the golden rule of rock fishing: ââ¬Å"Thou Shalt Not Fish On Your Ownâ⬠. Hunter was certain his father would return after the accident he would ââ¬Å" wait for him. Sit underneath the ââ¬ËVACENCYââ¬â¢ sign until mum tells me to come insideâ⬠. He didnââ¬â¢t want accept the fact that his father was gone forever until the end of the story when he finally decided to throw out his dadââ¬â¢s rusty old razor, even though his mum had tried to throw it out before but he kept getting it back. The writer has included this problem in the story in a realistic way. He explained the pain Hunter and his mum went through during the tough years, which made the story easier to understand. The writer has also expressed the importance families have stick together through tough times where there is no hope.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Political And Economic Stability In Singapore
Political And Economic Stability In Singapore MICE industry is increasing rapidly and create tremendous amount of profits worldwide in tourism sector. MICE stand for meeting, incentives, conferences and exhibition which driving ahead as a key growth driver. The MICE industry plays a very important role and economic contributor in Singapores tourism industry. There are many factors that makes Singapore become a major MICE destination in the world. Singapore is working hard to stay on top of the competitive business event arena and now Singapore is ranked as the top convention city in Asia for ninth times. Singapore has the first class conventions venue such as Singapore Expo. Besides, Singapores pro business environment, multi-ethnic landscape, strategic geographic location and multi lingual populace has attract many business travellers prefer to do their business tourism in Singapore. With its strategic location, government support and all those strengthen factors; it makes Singapore boost them to hit the highest achievement in this sector. The influencing factors are divided into few different categories. 1.2 Problem Statement This research is about how Singapore develops themselves to become a major MICE destination among the world. At the moment, they are doing a very great job as a MICE destination in Singapore. In fact, there are several factors that influence Singapore as a MICE destination. 1.3 Research Question What is MICE industry all about? What are the major factors that influence Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world? What makes Singapore become a major MICE destination in the world? The forecast be for this sector in Singapore and why? What makes Singapore continuously attracts high profile and highly rated international business events? What have Singapores government done in order to boost up their MICE industry among the world? 1.4 Research Objective This research is going to find out the factors that influence Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world. By carry out this research, the MICE industry in Singapore has growth rapidly and future lifestyle as well. Besides, there is also the understanding of how importance MICE industry that could affect Singapores tourism sector and to find out the reason why business travelers loyalty toward Singapore as their favorite MICE destination. Lastly, this research also show the evaluate business travelers benefit and interest by organizing an event in Singapore. 1.5 Conceptual Framework Define MICE industry in Singapore Strategic Location Critical Mass Communication Infrastructure Stability political and economic in Singapore The major factors that influence Singapore as a major MICE Destination in the world Excellent transportation system and telecommunication connectivity. Excellent meeting and conference venue. Pro Business environment and governments support The forecast be for this sector in Singapore Figure 1.1 According to this figure 1.1, it illustrates the major factor that influences Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world. The purpose of showing this figure is to demonstrate the topic of this report. The theory framework will show the reason why Singapore can become a ideal MICE destination to the business travellers. Firstly, this research shows aspect that could influence Singapore as a major MICE destination. Besides this, the report also shows how Singapore develops their MICE industry in tourism sector. Lastly, will be the evaluation of forecast for this sector in Singapore. 1.6 Scope and Limitation The scope for this research is to focus on Singapore MICE industry. Besides that, is to observe how Singapores MICE industry growth rapidly within these few years, how they develop their MICE industry in order to increase the amount of tourist and to predict Singapores MICE industry in the future. The time constraint will be the limitation as this research paper due to the study period of time which is from January 2010 to June 2010. It s about half year time, due to the limited time the researcher may face the difficulties when finding the resources and getting the information from journals, online journals, newspaper, websites, books and etc. There is only limited and restricted literature for Singapore MICE industry that is related in the journal databases such as EBSCO Host, Ebrary, and Google Scholar, and some of the sources that provided were not up to date. But this is a challenge for me to do more on this research. Significance of the Study This research aims to gain an understanding on how Singapores MICE industry growth rapidly in tourism sector. To carry out this research, Singapore is working hard and put themselves out on top of the challenging business events field. This research is very important and very useful. Through this research, the targeted readers which are interested in organize a conference event in Singapore can refer to and to find out the reason why Singapore can be a major MICE destination in the world by maintains their quality and their MICE facilities. Other than that, this research could recommend targeted readers to choose Singapore as their ideal MICE destination. Chapter 2 Review of the Related Literature 2.1 MICE Industry in Singapore MICE industry is increasing rapidly and create a tremendous amount of profits worldwide in tourism sector. MICE are acronym of meeting, incentives, conferences and exhibition which driving ahead as a key growth driver. Europe and North America has been stated as one of the front MICE destination but Asia also one of the country that involves a lot in this industry. Singapore is not an exception. The MICE industry plays a very important role and economic contributor in Singapores tourism industry. A new era of tourism development and attractions will be gearing up for major revitalization by Singapores tourism sector; it will also re-define Singapores tourism landscape. Singapore has the first class conventions and exhibition facilities such as SINGAPORE EXPO and SUNTEC Singapore international convention exhibition centre. In addition, Singapore has outstanding communication infrastructure, it provides more convenience to tourist travel from one place to another domestically and internationally. Singapores pro business environment, multi-ethnic landscape, strategic geographic location and multi lingual populace has attract many business travellers prefer to do their business tourism in Singapore and accompaniment by MICE facilities, infrastructure, expertise and proficient in event management. Singapore put themselves out on top of the challenging business events field. Singapore MICE industry has grown rapidly and now Singapore is ranked the world top three cities for meetings by the Unions of International Associations (UIA). Apparently Singapore has been stated and positioned as the Top Convention City all around Asia for ninth time and the Third Top Convention City around the world for the second consecutive year by ICCA Ranking. Singapore has leapfrogged two score to reach on top of the ranking, defeating Paris and Vienna and providing its goal to be the top of the universe an improvement. 2.2 The factors that could influence Singapore as a major MICE destination in the world. There are many factors that can manipulate Singapore to become a major MICE destination in the world and it also could affect their tourism sector by increase MICE events in their own country. The factors also can be consider as their strength mean while it is a positive factor that can enhance their MICE sector to becoming the Best City for MICE events among the world in the future. 2.2.1 Critical Mass The most important factor is it has critical mass; it has been awarded by the Union of International Association (UIA) and Asias top convention city for several years. By developing a critical mass of MICE event is this industry, this will helps to create an eco-system of business event that harmonize one anothers existence. Business event not only generate enliven of MICE industry in the mean time its also build up Singapores value intention as a MICE destination. For the past few years, Singapore has increase the amount of international meetings. These shows from the creativity and quality of the Singapore MICE industry and construct Singapore constantly catch the attention of high-profile international business event. 2.2.2 Strategic Location Secondly, Singapore has a strategic geographic location which is central location in Asia and also a connection between east and west. It also acts as key district hubs for Asia. This strategic location makes Singapore exert a pull on global businesses and it smoothly links around the world. There were few big events of different industries was held in Singapore such as Asia Aerospace, Food Hotel Asia, Communic Asia and Broadcast Asia and etc. The feedback was great. Singapore is a safe hospitable country; this is also one of the reasons that event organizers choose Singapore. Beside this, Singapore Changi Airport is also one of the busiest airlines in the world, which connects to over 180 cities in 50 countries and is categorize as a premier International Maritime Centre. Its wide ranging air and sea linkages allow ones business to allowed 2.8 billion people within a seven hours flight radius. Singapore Tourism Board claims that Singapore position attest to its appeal as a premium business travel and meetings, incentive travel, convention and exhibition destination 2.2.3 Stability political and economic in Singapore Singapore has a good reputation of efficient, honest and politically stable government compare to other countries. Singapores stability of political gives the trust of safe for business travellers to decide to organise events in Singapore. Singapore is a knowledge-based economy and attracts worldwide investments. This may attract foreign investors flock its shores because of their open trade procedure, social stability, world class infrastructure and international communication links. The stability of Singapores economic also will raise the amount of business travellers invest in promoting their product in Singapore. The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008 stated that Singapore as the worlds second most competitive economy. The stability political and economic growth is sustain by the government of Singapore, it helps to attract more business travellers to held their event in Singapore with no burden compare to their competitors such as Malaysia and Hong Kong. 2.2.4 Communication Infrastructure Singapore is well known by their efficiency and good communication infrastructure have allow it to attract a whole train of international events including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in 2009 and the forth coming event will be the first-ever summer Youth Olympic Games which falls on 14th August 2010 to 26th August 2010. Singapore also attracts business travellers to contribute to its achievements as a main destination for both business and entertainments. Singapore has rated the top in terms of basic infrastructure and technology infrastructure in the World Competitiveness Yearbook. Its efficiency through latest technology and modern infrastructure makes Singapore MICE industry speedily grow in tourism industry. 2.2.5 Pro Business environment and Government Support Singapore is recognized as a PRO business environment and its recommended as the most beneficial place in the world for businessman to start their business there. In facts, Singapore has been noted as No 1 in terms of Ease of Doing businesses for the past four years by the World Bank. Singapore is one of the lowest corporate and income tax rates among the most of the countries. The government has improves the firm environment to help business manage more efficiently. Singapore has effectively reached a good amount of association meetings by its well-built business basics and plans to assemble a active ecosystem of business events. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said All vital signs are pointing towards the return of business confidence in the Singapore business event sector, fuelled by dynamic developments taking place within the tourism landscape. Leverage in our sterling track record and a sound business fundamental, Singapore has secured a robust pipeline of business events, including key international association meeting in coming years. The general pro-business environment gives Singapore a competitive boundary as a major MICE destination in the world. There is another reason that makes Singapore become a PRO business environment and MICE destination because of the strongly government support through Singapore Tourism Board (STB), government support was the key to make an event successful. Singapores government give fully support in this sector and contributes Singapore as a vibrant business environment. Singapore devoted a lot in promoting the MICE business and also their tourist attractions because conventions and event have the ability to make more profits and jobs in short term and it can increase the interrelated investment and the amount of visitation on longer term. The Singapore Exhibition and Convention Bureau (SECB), a group of the STB has develop the Business Events in Singapore (BE in Singapore) its help business events organizers release a higher amount of events. Besides, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) also launched another campaign Make It Singapore and it helps to offer marketing support and motivation to potential MICE business. Furthermore, Singapore is has the professionalism in the MICE industry that can makes Singapore to be a global exchange core where people can gather and share their ideas and knowledge. 2.2.6 Excellent meeting and conference venue and offers venue Singapore is a global core for business and leisure and it is also a best option for convention and events. The excellences of hotel ballrooms and with the first class convention centres, Singapore has continuously recreates with new event location and attraction such as Marina Bay Sands Singapore. Marina Bay attractions will create a unique MICE venue that we cannot found elsewhere in Asia with international standard MICE facilities and services. MICE facilities in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Expo, Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre are amalgamate to boost Singapores attractiveness as a business and leisure destination. Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre and Singapore Expo are defined as a favourite choice for all find of business event due to their huge exhibition spacious. A good convention centre, exhibition halls and meeting venue plays a very important role when we organize an event. 2.2.7 Excellent Transportation System and Telecommunications Connectivity Singapore posses of efficiency and excellent public transportation system, which includes cabs, buses and the modern Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) rail system same goes to their air transportation. Tourists can get around in Singapore with no burden due to their excellent transport system. An outstanding network of railway system and buses connect travellers to reach any point of the city and the public transportation prices are reasonable to everyone. Singapore provides convenience for foreign business travellers to reach any destination, conference venues and attractions with their public transport system on time due to their punctuality of railway systems. The newly opened MRT network has made ease of access to conference venue such as Suntec Singapore and Singapore Expo, it made convenient for those business travellers. Beside this, Singapores bus network is tremendously frequent and extensive and it does not only bring convenient to Singapores citizen and also tourists. Singapore is well recognized for their public transportation and telecommunications connectivity. According to a survey carried out by Singapores Land Transport Authority in year 2006, 8 out of 10 Singaporeans were satisfied with their public transportation system such as buses and also railway system, Singapore has 21 Tbps of installed international communication infrastructure capacity, adequate for every business require in telecommunications connectivity. They are one of the more aggressive telecommunication hubs around Asia Pacific. They also provide excellent telecommunication links with broadband network all around business hotels, so those business travellers can surf the internet anytime when inside the hotel room. 2.3 Forecast Singapore MICE industry in the future. From my point of view, I strongly believe that Singapore will finalize to the top spot and becoming the Best City for MICE venue in the future. Singapore will also be leading ahead of other countries. Singapores tourism background is going through a dynamic transformation. On year 2010, there will be more cityscape that gives off more vibrant and enthusiasm on the atmosphere. Singapore are still innovating themselves by introducing newly, modern venue and outstanding facilities to give their foreign business travellers and demonstrators a pleasure knowledge and ambience. They will also keep up their status as Asias premier MICE destination through recommending new transportation system and entertainments. The Asia-Pacific is likely to attract over 100 million business travellers and MICE visitors by 2015 with the growth prospective in the region. Therefore there will be no surprise that Singapore to become a bigger slice of this MICE market. With its stability political and global economy shows signs of reflect, the business event sector is in good chance of taking advantage of on business opportunities. In the upcoming years, Singapore will keep a strong pipeline of business occasion, including the key international association meetings. Ms Melissa Ow, Assistant Chief Executive, Business Travel and MICE Group, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said: As we move into 2010, and climate of economy recovery the STB will continue to work closely with our industry partners to meet business event organisers evolving needs, explore new business leads and strengthen our international marketing and channel development efforts. Marina Bay sands will be one of the improvement into an amalgamate MICE venue which offers 200,000 square meter of convention and exhibition space which create and grow strategic business occasion. These developments will redefine Singapores downtown and central business region. There are estimate more than 150,000 meeting attendees are to stopover Singapore for those events that already booked at the Marina Bay Sands. Besides, Resort World Sentosa has accommodated 35,000 attendees at a single event. Marina Bay Sands said that it has secured more than 30 events development to be held there from this year to 2012. On the year of 2010, the worlds first -ever summer Youth Olympic Games will be hosted by Singapore. With approximately arrival of 15,000 overseas participants and visitors bring about 180,000 or more visitor to Singapore. Beside this, Singapore is also hosting a series of upcoming events and meetings in these few years, such as International Cruise Terminal 2010, Gardens by the Bay 2010, Sports Hub 2010, National Art Gallery 2013 and many more. Singapore will continue to expand their abilities and upgrading their infrastructure to provide business event travellers in order to guarantee their position as one of the top Asian. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has planned to upgrade the facilities of Singapore Expo to make sure Singapore Expo is well-organized to sustain the development of MICE industry. The upgraded facilities will ensure Singapore Expo retains their excellent venue for business events. There are many growing competitors out there from other country such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Macau and etc. But Singapore is making every chance to offer good facilities and services to their business event travellers. Besides, STB are working continuously closely with the events industry. The main purpose is to increase the amount of the business event at Singapore and to make sure that the MICE sector continues to move ahead as a key driver of tourism development in Singapore. Lastly, I personally think that Singapore has performed well in this industry and lead Singapore to be on top of the MICE industry, because during the staging events in Singapore, the event organiser can be assured of their quality service, accompanied by its tremendous transportation and professional workforce. Although Singapore has obtain a lot of awards but they dont feel self-esteem, they keep on their good work and maintaining their facilities to achieve and make them the best MICE destination in the world. Furthermore, Singapores MICE industry is on the roadway and I strongly believe that if Singapore put in more efforts on this industry, it can leapfrog to reach the top and becoming the Best City for MICE events among the world in the future. Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research Method For the methodology, this research will be using questionnaire. Among quantitative method and qualitative method, I use both of the method for my research. It is also known as a mix of approaches. The first method is quantitative method which is a technique to gather quantitative data such as information dealing with numbers and anything that is measurable. While for the qualitative method is to understand the meaning of the numbers produced by quantitative method. We have to observe case analysis with given research imply to qualitative methods and quantitative methods to request respondents to rank their perception about these particular topic. 3.2 Research Design There are two types of research method which is qualitative method and quantitative method. Qualitative method is more on observation and quantitative method is subjective. Qualitative method need to collect date based on quality and is difficult to generalize because everyones perception is different; meanwhile it may affect the quality of the result. For the quantitative method, it is more objective compared to qualitative method because the data must be fact and logic. And it will be in numbers and also in statistics such as graphs or tables. It is essential to use both methods to understand the core of this research. 3.3 Data Collection Apparently the data in this report is collected from the secondary data which is online database. Secondary data can be easily found at journal, articles, websites, textbooks, books and etc. The researcher gets the journal from the college library website and it is mainly taken from the Google Scholar and EBSCO Host.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
EGYPT :: essays research papers
Ancient civilizations are studied today to help us understand more about our worlds past and what has brought us to where we are today. Our findings have not only answered questions, but also bought us to ask more questions. Perhaps one of the most studied and yet least understood civilizations is the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. Many studies have been done one what is now left of their ruins. Ancient towns have left us with hieroglyphics, items that help us understand the way they lived, and even tombs. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã One of the keys to understanding the ancient civilization is the Rosetta Stone, which was discovered and helps us even today interpret the ancient writing of hieroglyphics. All of Egypt's history, religion, and beliefs are only some of the writings that are left. Some of the writings include proof that exotic plans did exist then that don't exist today. These writings have told the stories of all the kings and their rule. Gods were very prominent in this time and played a large role in the way people lived their lives. If it weren't for these writings, this civilization may have never been fully discovered. Not everyone was able to read and write hieroglyphics, there was a special school for children who were exceptional. The school would start for the child at about five to ten years of age. They would learn how vile the other occupations in the town really were. For example, the smith slaves over a hot furnace, and his hands were like crocodiles, and the mason w ho was achy and weary. Scribes seemed to have the better life among the people because they had the power over everyone. The actual power to read and write was more valuable than food, drink, and clothes. There is little evidence that women knew how to write. There was only one tomb where a woman had left a journal of her every day life. It is believed that only the wealthy women were able to read and write, but there was no place for them in the career world to do this. Scribes were so important because they were able to copy sacred texts into royal books of the Nether World into the walls of the tombs of kings and queens. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã From the hieroglyphics we learn about the average life of an Egyptian. Egyptian marriage wasn't always arranged, this was usually only done by royal family where a brother would marry a sister in an arranged marriage.
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